Harnessing data-driven insights for public relations success

Let’s talk data.

Data is the number-one way Rosarium learns from, and optimizes, our clients’ marketing and public relations (PR) strategies. It tells us about our audience, measures the impact of a campaign and points us to new tactics. When you’re doing it right, you can analyze everything — all the way down to the point of sale.

·       When someone makes a purchase, where did they come from?

·       What was their experience like on the path to purchasing?

·       Why did they ultimately decide to purchase?

·       How can we repeat that result on a 10x basis?

Data answers all those questions. And when you combine that data with analysis on key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rates, social media engagement, share-of-voice and media impressions, you can gain insights into purchasing behaviors, preferences and interests. That reveals opportunities to improve messaging and create campaigns that are even more impactful.

That’s only half of what data can do. It can also identify emerging trends and enable you to stay ahead of the curve. Rosarium uses data to keep an eye on industry conversations, analyze market sentiment and monitor media content, so we can gauge public perception of brands and industries.

In our opinion, that’s the best way to anticipate potential challenges or opportunities, adapt strategies and continue to set our clients apart as innovators.


Learn more about our services or email us at grow@rosarium.work.


Leveraging storytelling for effective public relations


Crafting an effective PR strategy in the digital age